My first nativity set was given to me by my Sweetie (Honey Pies mom) back in 1995.  I’m a sappy sentimental type, so you can imagine how I felt when I loaded my arms up with too much last night, and something fell out and broke.  I was upset when I heard the sound, but not as upset as when I saw what it was.  There on the floor, lies the broken shards of baby Jesus. Not a sheep, or camel, or shephard.  Nope, I broke the most important piece of the whole set.
Few and far between are the occasions when full-blown Hissy Fit pitching is called for, and hum-boy-howdy, this was one of them.  Living here in the Midwest, where the reserved family we are part of has NO experience with Hissy Fit pitching, my children have only experienced two.  Needless to say feet came running from all over the house when this one commenced.  “NO NO NO, agggggrrrrrhhhaaaaa” this is accompanied by frantic river dance footwork, followed by more howling and other-worldly groanings.
Eyes wide, hearts racing,  they piled into the room to see the disaster.  To their wondering eyes, nothing is wrong.  No blood.  No threat.  No danger.  Just Mama, arms loaded, doing this crazy person dance.  They can only see me.  They can’t see little baby Jesus, in pieces, on the floor.
Sad to say, this is not the first time I have done this. Not the first time that he’s been pushed out because I was in a hurry, or overloaded, by my own choices.  Not the first time I’ve been thrown into full-blown panic mode because He was missing from my priorities, my choices.  No, this isn’t the first time Jesus has been left on the floor while I clutched to my heart other things. Truth is, most of the pain I’ve had in my life, I caused myself.
How often does this happen in life?  We don’t keep Jesus where he should be, close enough that he doesn’t get pushed out by other things.  How often do we see someone in the throes of crises, and we can’t figure out why they are acting the way they
are.  We can’t see the broken relationship on the floor of their heart. We can’t see they are reaping pain because they didn’t keep their priorities straight.  All we can see is the frantic flailing.  The panic.  The pain.  Because that is exactly what happens to us.  Every time.  Every time we pile our lives too full, and Jesus gets pushed out.  Every time we don’t put him where he belongs.  First.  First in my heart.  First in my schedule.  First in my finances.  First in my relationships.
Today, as I attempt to fix this.  To put the pieces back together, I am reminded of several things.
*If something is precious, don’t overload yourself with less
precious things.
*I need to salvage lost, broken relationships.  No, they may never be the same.  Dings, chips, cracks are going to tell
the story of the drop. But fix what you can. I must forgive, and ask for forgiveness.  A repaired relationship is better than a broken one.
*He came, whole, to be broken.  For me.  So I could be mended too.
So off I go.  To glue.  To pray.  To mend.  Maybe you have some gluing and praying of your own to attend to. May the broken Christ, wounded for your transgressions, help to make you whole.  Blessed repair season to you and yours.


  1. Beautiful as always ~ Love you! Merry Christmas. Thanks for the reminder of the most important thing in our lives being Jesus Christ.

  2. Wow, wow, wow. I barely got into this post when it hit me right where it should. Mercy, I feel the need to pray right now. I must share this article with my church. I think I'll print it out and put it on the bulletin board, and forward to all my friends. What a powerful message you've preached in just a few words. Blessings to you today.

  3. This is an amazing thought, Rachel. "He came, whole, to be broken. For me. So I could be mended too." So powerful!

  4. thank you, truly thought wrenching and so appopro for today and all the bussiness in our lives. How inspiring.

  5. WOW! That is amazing…thank You

  6. Oh Rachel, you really have a way with words. You are so right, I have cause most of my pain, by just that! I have pushed Jesus out with my wrong priorities. Thanks so much for the precious reminder. I intend to keep Him FIRST. Rev. Hodges III preached in our district recently, "GOD FIRST". Life just goes better that way.
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. Love this! That happened to me a few years ago, after taking a deep breath…I realized the ones who broke it were my treasures after all!!!

  8. I'm a bit late in getting caught up in reading some of the blogs I follow. I am a new reader of yours. But I must say, this post really touched me. Thank you for sharing your heart, for being brave enough to point out your own faults, and for helping us to take a quick look inside ourselves.

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