I read a horror story today. Of a bloodbath so vile and macabre it will rob me of peaceful sleep tonight I am sure. The words themselves were neither sensationalist nor explicit. No, they were surprisingly sparse and few. But my heart fills in the blanks between the words. My mind quickly summons the sounds of anguish, pain and tortured cries that surely accompanied it. My mothers heart shudders and I actually feel a pain in my chest as I read it. Here it is. Matthew 2:16-18 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave ordersRead More →

Being Christlike is easier said than done. My brain is filled with memorized scripture. I have worked at it from my earliest days of Sunday School, when reciting the memory verse meant a bright shiny gold star on my chart, to school where the chapters memorized meant earning extra privileges, to participating in Bible Quizz Tournaments. And the learning of each verse and chapter and once even an entire book, was done because I had a carrot dangled in front of me. There was a PRIZE to be had if I put to memory the words from the page. So I did. And they areRead More →

“My dad is a VERY important guy” I overheard my son say to his friend. Red flags flew and I started to kick into MMM ( Manic Mother Mode) right away. I was just about to interrupt with a lecture when he continued, “He is a volunteer door opener at my school. My dad is a helper.” I’ve never been prouder of the son, or the dad than at that moment. Along with being a pastor, college instructor (on hiatus), board member of an orphanage, a college and an international organization he does in fact volunteer twice a week at the school opening doors forRead More →